Ex-voto - African Homage - #contemporaryart #sculpture
Ex-votos (from the Latin phrase ex-voto suscepto, meaning 'from the vow made') were – and still are – carried as devotional objects and to give thanks for granted Derived from Latin ex voto suscepto “in pursuance of a vow,” an ex voto embodies the hopes, dreams, and anxieties of the person who deposits it. Almost In Italy the Latin term ex voto is an abbreviation of ex voto suscepto, (according to the promise that was made). While widely practiced throughout Europe until I chose the title Ex Voto for my new album as a nod to these beautiful pieces of art and what they represent. The term ex voto comes from the Latin ex voto suscepto 1 nov 2014 - Esplora la bacheca "ex voto suscepto" di seventhsundial, seguita da 2136 persone su Pinterest. Visualizza altre idee su Cuore sacro, Cuore e Arte
12 août 2019 Ex-voto suscepto… La formule latine originelle ne laisse pas de doute sur le contexte merveilleux dans lequel s'inscrit ce témoignage de 8 Jun 2017 Votive plaques were dedicated at sanctuaries to fulfill some sort of vow (from the Latin ex voto suscepto, “from the vow made”), and it seems «ex voto» Votivgaben sind aufgrund eines Gelübdes als symbolisches Opfer insbesondere für die Rettung aus Ex voto suscepto L. D.D. libenles dederunt. 5 Apr 2016 Ce înseamnă Ex-voto? Expresia completă în latină este “Ex-voto suscepto” și înseamnă “în continuarea promisiunii”, și se referă la o ofrandă 8 ott 2019 Il titolo dell'album si rifà alla locuzione latina che significa “a seguito di un voto”, derivata dall'ellissi di “ex voto suscepto”, e indica un oggetto di 22 May 2017 The term “ex voto” comes from the Latin “ex voto suscepto” meaning “in pursuance of a vow.” It is used in reference to a painting, a plaque or
Artists are asked to create innovative, contemporary notions of Ex Votos. Ex- Votos or Ex Voto The term is short for ex voto suscepto (from the vow made) or in ex voto suscepto (“in conseguenza / in seguito all'assunzione di un voto / promessa”), utilizzata di norma come denominazione di uno o più oggetti dedicati (votati) Devotional ex voto of high craftsmanship, in 24k gold or 1000/1000 silver plated gilded brass. From the Latin phrase “ex voto suscepto”, meaning “from the vow "An ex-voto is a votive offering to a saint or to a divinity. It is given in fulfilment of a vow (hence the Latin term, short for ex voto suscepto, 'from the vow made') or 15 Nov 2016 Nearly every inch of this Paris basilica is covered in ex-votos, devotional artifacts that take their name from the Latin ex voto suscepto, or “from
Doslovně se pojem ex voto chápe jako ze slibu. Používá se však v náboženském kontextu. Skládá z předložky ex a slova votum, odvozeného ze slovesa vovere, které znamená slíbit (zaslíbit, přislíbit) Bohu či přednést Bohu modlitbu se závazkem. Celý výraz ex voto suscepto se chápe jako slib přednesený a vyslyšený. Ex Voto: Votive Giving Across Cultures, Weinryb Derived from Latin ex voto suscepto “in pursuance of a vow,” an ex voto embodies the hopes, dreams, and anxieties of the person who deposits it. Almost anything, regardless of size, weight, form, or original function, can become a votive object. Ultimately, the category refers to a subset of the material world in which a thing is not necessarily made to be a votive, but instead … About Ex-Voto Design Ex-vo·to (noun) Derived from the Latin term ex voto suscepto “from the vow made,” an ex-voto is an offering made in gratitude and . in tribute for an act of divine intervention during a time of fear, sickness or grave danger. Ex-Voto Design took its name from the Mexican folk art pieces known as Ex … Ex Voto - Bard Graduate Center Derived from Latin ex voto suscepto “in pursuance of a vow,” an ex voto embodies the hopes, dreams, and anxieties of the person who deposits it. Almost anything, regardless of size, weight, form, or original function, can become a votive object. Ultimately, the category refers to a subset of the material world in which a thing is not necessarily made to be a votive, but instead …
Testimony of recognition, the word "ex-voto" comes from the literal translation of the complete Latin formula "ex-voto suscepto" ("according to the wish made").